Hand Drawn Pet Portraits from Photos


Explore the creative process behind Pet Portraits by Reebok in our monthly blog. Get exclusive behind-the-scenes insights, tips, and inspiration straight from the artist.

Best Friend Memorial Portrait

"I absolutely love this, I would call you, but I can't stop sobbing. Thank you so much for doing it!" This is what my client sent me when she shared her gifting story to her friend who tragically lost her pup way too young. Memorial Portraits always make me a little sad, but they're also such an honor to get to draw. They're such a beautiful way to remember a forever best friend 💜

I know it’s not always easy to find reference photos when a beloved pet has passed, but I’m willing to work with you to create the best memorial possible. If you have questions about memorial portraits of your pet, don’t hesitate to reach out to me through my contact page.

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